Students at MSc in Media and Refugee / Migration Flows who, according to the legislative framework {Ministerial Decision 108990/Ζ1, (Government Gazette B4899/16-9-2022), Ministerial Decision 84560/Z1 (Government Gazette 4837/01-08-2023)}, are eligible for exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees, are invited to submit an application, if they wish.

Students at MSc in Media and Refugee / Migration Flows who, according to the legislative framework {Ministerial Decision 108990/Ζ1, (Government Gazette B4899/16-9-2022), Ministerial Decision 84560/Z1 (Government Gazette 4837/01-08-2023)}, are eligible for exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees, are invited to submit an application, if they wish.
The application must be submitted via the eprotocol of the University of Athens using the special application form for this purpose until Friday October 6 2023 at 15:00.