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The application process for the MSc in Media and Refugee/Migration Flows for the academic year 2023-2024 will be open until 31/08/2023 (for applicants of countries outside of the EU/EEA) and 05/09/2023 (for applicants of EU/EEA countries).

The application process for the MSc in Media and Refugee/Migration Flows for the academic year 2023-2024 will be open until 31/08/2023 (for applicants of countries outside of the EU/EEA) and 05/09/2023 (for applicants of EU/EEA countries)

The Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organizes and operates for the academic year 2023-2024 an Intensive Postgraduate Program MSc in "Media and Refugee / Migration Flows" which awards a Postgraduate Diploma in the following specializations:

S1:"News media of refugee flows"

S2:"Communication management of refugee / migration flows"

The purpose and objectives of this intensive Program is the postgraduate training of graduates in communication, media and journalism, as well as executives from the private and public sector in this field, regarding valid and objective information of citizens. Additionally, will provide opportunities to students to investigate the communication management of refugee/migration flows in order to promote a positive response to the ongoing tensions and crises created at national and cross-national level.

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