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Is this MSc taught either in the morning or evening hours? Is it feasible for working candidates to attend the lectures?

The program is open to working people and, hence, the schedule seeks to take into consideration the working hours of the successful applicants.
The schedule of lectures is prepared every semester. The schedules for the current autumn and spring semester of this academic year can be found here: us/academic-calendar
Please note that the summer school, which follows the second semester is a full-time program of two weeks in Mytilene, Lesvos.


I need a visa to participate in this program. Could you help me?

International students may need to obtain a visa before coming to Greece depending on their citizenship. Students should contact the nearest Greek Embassy or Consulate in their country regarding the required documents and the formal application procedure. A detailed practical Guide for Visa and Residence Permit, as well as other information for incoming students to Greece are available at the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Visa Information
Visa Types
We aim to facilitate access for international students to our program and offer support during the visa application procedure if requested.
If you have any specific questions, we would be glad to provide you with more information!


How can I apply for this program and where may I find the application form?

To apply for the program, we ask international and domestic students to fill in the application form and to provide the mandatory supportive documents. Information for the application material and list of required documents can be found on this website: form


When will the personal interviews take place?

The short-listed candidates will be invited for personal interviews. Indicative dates are mentioned each Academic Year in the Call for Applications. Short-listed candidates will receive via email an invitation for their interview.
The interviews for foreign applicants and those that do not reside in Athens will be made via Skype. An appointment for local candidates will be schedule at the Department of Communication & Media Studies at NKUA (1 Sophocleous Str., 105 59 Athens).


Why students participate in an internship program?

The internship of the Program "Media and Refugee / Migration Flows" has been designed to take place for one month and aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain practical insight into a work environment with organizations specialized in the field of migration. Internship is organized in collaboration with International Organizations, International and / or National NGOs and public entities. The Dept. of Communication & Media Studies has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) in order to facilitate the placements of our students. The internship will provide the students with the unique opportunity to become familiar with:
the fields of activity of each organization
particular groups to which they are addressed (e.g. children, unaccompanied children, women, adults)
the personnel  and their activities
ways to conduct their master thesis research (qualitative or quantitative by coming in contact with professionals in the field and particular target groups of refugees/migrants
national and international organizations’ network and their policy areas
One month may not considered enough and for this reason many Organizations implement internship programs through different funding schemes. Under the Memoranda of Understanding it has been agreed the internships of Msc Media& Refugee/Migration Flows to last one month due to the fact that the postgraduate program is intensive and it has to be completed within one year without summer break


What is the duration of the internship?

According to the regulation of the Master program the internship lasts one month. However, the duration can be differentiated depending on the organization, the availability of each student and other factors (e.g. special conditions, COVID-19). After a common agreement between the interested parties (Students & Organizations) internship can be offered (e.g. part-time for two months or more, paid/unpaid, or teleworking). The internship can also take place at national organizations and public entities functioning in local level depending on the student's residence.  In addition, at NGOs engaged in supporting refugees /migrants (e.g. at Lesvos island).
The internship placements can take place between April-June, because the month of July is dedicated to participating in the obligatory Summer School.


What are the criteria for assigning students to particular organizations?

A list of offered positions is sent to the students in order to make a first contact with the organizations and commit to an internship afterwards. The organizations may examine students' CVs or arrange personal interviews with them. The Human Resources Department or volunteering unit of each organization can invite the prospective students for an interview in order to finalize the placements and the assignment of tasks.
The consultation process takes place between February - March each year and placements can be accomplished from April to end of June. In cases where a student is not satisfied with the position offered by a specific organization or considers that the position will not be particularly helpful for his/her master thesis, he/she can report it to the academic officer in order to find an alternative. Those who already work in relevant organizations (Media, NGOs, public entities) should provide a certificate of their working experience from the institution that they currently work or have worked in the recent past at the Secretariat of the Program.


What information does the Certificate provided upon completion of the internship include?

The certificate is provided by the responsible unit of the organization hosting the internship. It includes the name of the participant, the duration of internship as well as the particular tasks assigned. It should also mention that the internship took place under the Program "Media and Refugee / Migration Flows»


Which is the process for the recognition of my degree?

The legal framework that determines the recognition/equivalence of academic titles awarded abroad has been recently changed in Greece. The central responsibility for recognition has been shared between the University Departments and the Hellenic NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre), which is called DOATAP. We advise you to take a look at the corresponding website ( where all the foreign recognized educational institutions are listed. If your degree comes from one of these, please contact the Secretariat, that will handle the recognition of your degree through the University procedures. Otherwise, you should contact the Hellenic NARIC directly to find out the steps you need to follow.



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