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Summer School

Coordinator: George Pleios

The Summer School of this MSc in Media & Refugee / Migration Flows takes place in Mytilene, Lesvos, for a total of two weeks. It contains two weeks of lectures and workshops with relevant organizations. During this period students are strongly encouraged to concentrate on the preparation of their thesis with the possibility to conduct field research, interviews and clearly define relevant case studies. During the two weeks of the Summer School, invited keynote speakers and experts will inform students on the current situation and offer crucial support to the understanding of the so-called "refugee crisis" in the Aegean. Some of the leading organizations in Greece working to make a difference for the refugees and migrants on Lesvos will share their experiences and provide the students with relevant insights into their tasks and responsibilities. Students will be able to gain practical insights into the everyday working conditions of these organizations, which will support them to link their theoretical knowledge and skills with the actual situation in the field. The accommodation during the Summer School in Mytilene-Lesvos is partially funded. Students are advised, besides the partial costs for accommodation, also to take into consideration other occurring costs, such as their everyday living expenses. The administration and the staff of the MSc are constantly looking for the available facilities and focus all efforts on clearly defining the lowest expected costs for the students.


The program for the Summer School 2024 can be found here

The program for the Summer School 2023 can be found here.
The program for the Summer School 2022 can be found here.

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