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Asst. Professor Anthi Sidiropoulou

Teaching Staff

Methodology of Quantitative Social Research

Anthi Sidiropoulou is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication & Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and her field of expertise lies in the psychology of communication with emphasis on cyberpsychology. She holds a bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Cyprus, a Master's degree from the Department of Sociology of the University of Crete, and a PhD in Psychology of Communication from the Department of Communication & Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has worked as a researcher and coordinator of research programs in various research institutions and has participated in several scientific conferences. Most of her published work focuses on the field of cyberpsychology and in particular on the psychological effects of the integration of digital technology in daily life. She is the author of the book "Psychological Trajectories in the Digital Age: From multitasking to the multitasking of existence" (2019, Papazisis Publishers) and editor of the collected volume "Point of Interface: Companionship and Intimacy Relationships in the Digital Age" (2022, Papazisis Publishers). She is an Assistant Editor in the Journal “Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society” and member of the editorial board of the Journal “Automaton: Journal of Cultural Critique and Media Theory”.

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