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Dr Anastasia Chalkia


International, European and National Law on Refugee / Migration Flows

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

Dr. Anastasia Chalkia holds a Ph.D. from Panteion University and an M.A. in Criminology from the same university. She is a Human Rights Advisor at the Greek National Commission for Human Rights and a course tutor at the Greek Open University. Furthermore, she serves as a registered teaching staff member at the Greek National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government.

Dr. Chalkia's academic experience extends beyond her advisory roles, having also shared her expertise as an adjunct lecturer at the University of West Attica and Panteion University. She is a member of the expert database of the Migration Research Hub (IMISCOE). She has been dedicated to crime prevention issues as the Deputy Country Representative at the European Crime Prevention Network since 2017.

Moreover, Dr. Chalkia plays an integral role in fostering cultural expertise and international collaboration. She represents Greece as a Member of the Management Committee of the COST Programme CA22101 - Cultural Expertise Junior Network (K-Peritia). Her dedication to addressing global challenges is further exemplified by her participation in the Working Group at the UN Constructive Dialogue on the smuggling of migrants.

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

From 2013 to 2022, Dr. Anastasia Chalkia held pivotal roles at the Greek Asylum Service (Ministry of Migration and Asylum). She began as a Team Leader with responsibilities encompassing Refugee Status Determination. Subsequently, she ascended to the position of Head of Asylum Units in both Athens and Leros, further solidifying her expertise and leadership in the field. During this same period, Dr. Chalkia received certification as a National Trainer in the 'Inclusion in International Protection' training module, accredited by the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA). She also served as a member of the Working Group that contributed to the development of the operational tool titled "Guidance on Asylum Procedure: Operational Standards and Indicators" in 2018. She has completed courses covering essential aspects of the asylum process, including the Common European Asylum System, Interview Techniques, Interviewing Children, Evidence Assessment, Inclusion in International Protection, and Country of Origin Information.

She was appointed as the Substitute Delegate representing civil society on behalf of the Greek National Commission for Human Rights in the 2nd Committee for Migration under the Ministry of Interior, serving in both 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. She was a member of the Jury for the European Crime Prevention Award under the Italian and the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU (2013 & 2014) and Assistant of the Chair under the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the EU. During the period 2014-2015, she was Vice-President of the Central Council for Crime Prevention (Ministry of Citizen Protection). She was a Scientific Collaborator at the MA in Criminology (Panteion Criminology, 2007-2016). Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):

She has numerous publications and presentations in national and international congresses on asylum; racist violence, and criminology. Also, she has written a monograph (Crime Prevention and public participation, Dionikos, 2017, Greek / English) and she has edited two volumes in Criminology (Volume in Honour of Professor James Farsedakis. The contemporary criminality, its confrontation and the science of Criminology, Vol. I,II, Nomiki vivliothiki, 2012 & (assist.) Criminology in the face of contemporary challenges, On the occasion of thirty years of activity of the Hellenic Society of Criminology (1978-2009), 2011. 


(selected) Publications

  • (2022) Chalkia, A., Giousepas, A. "The relocation of refugees as an experience and perspective of solidarity and responsibility sharing among the EU Member States", in Dimitriadi, A., Malamidis, H. (eds.) European values and the refugee ‘crisis’, Nisos, Athens, pp. 214-233, [in Greek] 

  • (2021) Tsiganou, J., Chalkia, A., and Lempesi, M., "COVID-19 Crisis as the New-State-of-the-Art in the Crimmigration Milieu”, Social Sciences, Vol. 10 (12), 457,

  • (2021) Tsiganou, J., Chalkia, A., Lempesi, M. “Conceptualizations of the notion of criminal justice through the mitigation of the migration experience: The case of Syrian refugee incomers to Greece”, US-China Law Review Vol.18(2):59-68, doi:10.17265/1548-6605/2021.02.001

  • (2021) Chalkia, A. “Criminal violence and its prevention in context. Specific challenges for the integration of refugees and migrants in the 21st century”, Kury, H., Redo, S. (eds) Crime Prevention and Justice in 2030 UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Springer, Cham, pp.447-464.

  • (2020) Tsiganou, J., Chalkia, A., Lempesi, M. “Syrian refugees in Greece. Trajectories of integration”, Social Policy (Koinoniki Politiki), Vol. 12/2020, pp.5-22, [in Greek].

  • (2018) (with Giouzepas, A.) “It's just Europe's turn:EU's and Greece's response to the current refugee and migration flows”, Kury, H., Redo, H. (eds) Refugees and migrants in law and policy - Challenges and opportunities for Global Civil Education, Springer Verlag, pp.436-456, doi:10.1007/978-3-31972159-0_20.

  • (2018) “The impact of violence in refugee and migrant integration”, Criminology (Egklimatologia), Vol. 1/2018, pp. 47-57, [in Greek].

  •  (2016) “Aspects of hate crime in Greece and proposals for their confrontation”, in Gasparinatou, M. (Ed.) Crime in Crisis, Essays in honor of Professor Dr. Νestor Courakis, Ant.N.Sakkoula, Athens-Komotini, pp.1694-1722, [in Greek].

  • (2013) “Racially motivated crimes in Greece in the age of austerity: from victimization to the onslaught of democracy”, Criminology (Egklimatologia), Vol. 1/2013, pp.80-88, [in Greek]. 




Dr Anastasia Chalkia

Greek Commission for Human Rights

(+30) 6948752953

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