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Dr. Despina Chronaki

Teaching Staff

Methodology of Qualitative Social Research

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

Despina Chronaki (PhD, Loughborough University, UK) is an adjunct lecturer the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the Hellenic Open University. She has been doing research on audiences of popular culture, media ethics, porn studies, sexuality and children’s experiences with media. Her interests also include cultural approaches to audiences of horror and drag culture. Her recent publications include Discourses of Anxiety over Childhood and Youth Across Cultures (eds) (Palgrave-MacMillan) and Gender and Sexuality in European Media (eds) (Routledge). Since 2007 she is collaborating with media scholars from around the world in a number of EU-funded European, National (Greek) and International projects and has been invited to present her work in domestic, European and International conferences and meetings. (see READ MORE... for a detailed record). 

Dr. Despina Chronaki

Adjunct Lecturer and Researcher

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