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Dr. Lila Mastora

Teaching Staff

Methodology of Qualitative Social Research

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

Lila Mastora is a Scientific Associate of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a Project Coordinator at ActionAid Hellas. She was awarded her Ph.D. on conflict, collective trauma and the sense of belonginess in youth groups in West Bank and Israel from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She was a Visiting Research Fellow from February to September 2012 at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel working on trauma, identity and conflict. From 2009 until 2015, she worked as a researcher at the Communication and Media Psychology Lab, Department of Communication and Media Studies on several research programs studying:

  • the effects of the socioeconomic and cultural environment on representation and conflict management in close interpersonal relations between migrants and Greeks in contemporary Greece,

  • the psychological effects of the financial crisis,

  • political participation. 

She worked as a Social Scientist and Coordinator of the Refugee Reception and Accommodation program of UNHCR and Arsis, NGO, in Leros in 2016-2017. Since 2017, she has worked in several projects funded by the European Commission focusing on integration of vulnerable groups through interventions preventing discrimination and promoting equality. She has worked as a research expert, evaluator of the quality and impact of the projects, communication expert and project manager.

Among others, she managed the following programs:

  • Integrated Intervention of Police Personnel Training on Social Mediation and Preventive Security, in selected target areas of the country with significant Roma population concentrations

  • Peer2Peer: Relate schools to combat Roma dropout, co-funded by the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020)” Programme of the European Union.

  • REVERT: Resilience without Violence, Resistance without Hate Programme, co-funded by the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020)” Programme of the European Union. 

  • PROACTIVE: Prevent Roma Discrimination Providing Mediation Skills to Police Officers: Researcher – Impact Assessment

  • ARIANDE: Developing and supporting multi-sectoral police reporting procedures to prevent and respond to domestic violence against women: Researcher – Impact Assessment

  • I_DO: A youth-led alliance, building @ctive Roma citizens: Researcher for the analysis of the findings of the qualitative research

  • BREAK: Breaking Stereotypes: Researcher – Impact Assessment

  • ESTEEM: Enhancing Social Graduates Transversal, Entrepreneurial and Employment skills: Researcher for the analysis of the findings of the qualitative research

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

Among the modules he has taught on both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, are:

  • Political communication

  • Social Psychology

Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):

Mastora, L., Chatjoulis, A. (2013). More similar than different? A study on the effects of trauma on intra intra and inter-group relations in Israeli and Palestinian informal groups. In Mark Callaghan (ed.), How trauma resonates. Art, literature and theoretical practice. Inter-disciplinary press.

Mastora, L., Chatjoulis, A. (2011). The Formation of Minority Groups and Networks in the Case of Palestinian Students Living in Greece: The Effects of Collective Trauma, Suffering and Belongingness. In Kerry Gallaher (ed.), Multiculturalism, critical and interdisciplinary perspectives. Inter-disciplinary press.

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