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Korina Hatzinikolaou

Guest Speaker

International, European and National Law on Refugee / Migration Flows

Field of specialization, studies, work experience:

Korina Hatzinikolaou holds the position of Scientific Adviser at the Office of the Greek National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is seconded to this position from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where she works as Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, at the Faculty of Education. She is an expert on child typical and atypical development, child trafficking and child protection. During her 8-year mandate as Senior Researcher at the Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Institute of Child Health, she was the Head Researcher in many large international research and action-research projects on the prevention of human trafficking, protection of unaccompanied minors from human trafficking, development of guidelines to identify victims of human trafficking, and child protection from abuse and neglect. She has alsolived and worked for Higher Education Institutions both, in the U.K. and Brazil. She has collaborated with the public and private sector and with many civil society organizations on issues related to her expertise. She participates in international fora organized by the European Commission, European Agencies and International Organizations as expert and trainer. She has authored scientific articles and book chapters on issues related to her expertise.

Description of prior teaching/training activities:

Graduate studies

  • Assistant Professor (Tenure track position), School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 27/02/2014 – present

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Developmental Psychopathology, Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health Disorders in Infancy and Toddlerhood

Other academic duties: Tutor; Supervision of students’ research; Organization of scientific seminars and conferences

Administration duties: Member of the Departmental Board for ERASMUS+ program, and ECTS Coordinator for the School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Lecturer (Fixed-term contract), Department of Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 03/2010 – 09/2010. 

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Developmental Psychology

  • Scientific Collaborator, Department of Preschool Education, School of Health Professions, Technological Institute of Athens (T.E.I.), Athens, Greece, 09/2007 – 09/2009

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Early Interactions

  • Lecturer (Fixed-term contract), Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, 03/2007 – 08/2007

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychopathology of Infancy

  • Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Institute of Higher Education “Martha Falcão”, Manaus, Brazil, 2005 – 2006 

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Developmental Psychology, Motor Development in Infancy 

  • Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Lutheran University Centre of Manaus “ULBRA”, Manaus, Brazil, 2003 – 2006

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Developmental Psychology, Developmental Psychopathology, Adult Psychopathology, Ethics in Psychology

Postgraduate studies

  • Scientific Collaborator, Postgraduate course for Professionals on Perinatal and Postnatal Mental Health. Organized by the National School of Public Health and the Greek Branch of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Athens, Greece, October 2015 – July 2016.

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught (4 hours): Infant Communicative Abilities, & Observing and understanding infant behavior through video-recorded interactions.

  • Scientific Collaborator, Postgraduate course for Professionals on Perinatal and Postnatal Mental Health. Organized by the National School of Public Health and the Greek Branch of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Athens, Greece, October 2014 – July 2015.

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught (4 hours): Infant Communicative Abilities, & Observing and understanding infant behavior through video-recorded interactions.

  • Scientific Collaborator, National Centre of Public Administration, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Athens, Greece, 07/2007 – 09/2010 

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Psychology and Group Dynamics.

  • Scientific Collaborator, Special Education Program, Department of Education, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, 03/2007 – 06/2007: 

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Curriculum and Didactic Methodology Applied to Special Education

  • Scientific Collaborator, Clinical Psychology Program, Department of Psychology, Lutheran University Centre of Manaus “ULBRA”, Manaus, Brazil, 2005 – 2006 

Writing and organization of teaching material & Courses taught: Developmental Psychology

Training for professionals

She has contributed to nearly a hundred professional trainings on issues such as child abuse and neglect, child protection, human rights and children’s rights, identification of underage victims of human trafficking, human trafficking and human smuggling, human trafficking in the context of migration, among others. The trainings were organized by the Institute of Child Health, the Office of the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings, the National Center for Social Solidarity, the UNHCR, the EASO, the FRA, the IOM-Greece among others.

Additional information (such as publications, awards, link, etc):


  • Postgraduate Scholarship, Winnicott Research Unit, School of Psychology, University of Reading, U.K., 1998-1999.

  • Postgraduate Scholarship, Onassis Foundation, 2000 – 2002.

  • Award for distinguished research activities, Academic year 2015-2016, School of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 07/2016.

  • Erasmus Program for Staff Mobility (STA-Teaching). Host Institution: Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK. 03/2016


  • Professional Licence as Psychologist, Athens, Greece. 2003 – Association of Greek Psychologists

  • Member of International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI)

  • Member of the Board, Hellenic Society of Infant Mental Health (affiliated to WAIMH)

  • Member of the British Association for Video Interaction Guidance AVIGuk


  • Articles published in scientific journals

  • Hatzinikolaou, K., Karveli, V., Skoubourdi, A., Zarokosta, F., Antonucci, G., Visci, G., et al. (2016). Using the Parent-Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (PIR-GAS) to identify caregiver – infant/toddler dyads with abusive relationship patterns in six European countries. Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol. 37 (4), 313-466.

  • Ezpeleta, L., Perez, R., Fanti, K., Karveli, V., Katsimicha, E., Nikolaidis, G., Hadjicharalabous, M. Z. & Hatzinikolaou, K. Development of a screening tool enabling identification of infants and toddlers at risk for family abuse and neglect: A feasibility study from three South European countries. Child: Care, Health & Development. DOI: 10.1111/cch.12416

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2015). Intersubjectivity research and theory: Contributions to the domains of Developmental Psychopathology and Early Intervention. Scientific Yearbook of the Department of Psychology, University of Crete Eleftherna. Vol. 7, Special issue: “Intersubjective paths to Interpersonal Relationships and Learning”, pp. 264-287. Editing of current yearbook: TheanoKokkinaki& Colwyn Trevarthen.

  • Hatzinikolaou, Κ. (2015). Southeast Safe Net: Innovative action-research for the prevention of child trafficking and the protection of unaccompanied migrant and refugee minors. Dialogoi! Theory & Praxis in Education, Vol. 1, 130-139. Scientific journal of the School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

  • Landor, M., Hatzinikolaou, K., &Satariano, S. (2014). Distance no object! Educational Psychology in Scotland, Vol. 15(1), 21-25.

  • Tsourtou, V., Hatzinikolaou, K., &Chatzinikolaou, C. (2014). Action-research with children working on the streets of Athens, Greece. Development in Practice Vol. 24(3), 313-326.

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. & Murray, L. (2010). Infant sensitivity to negative maternal emotional shifts: Effects of infant sex, maternal postnatal depression and interactive style. Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol 31(5), 591-610.

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2006). Expressive patterns of infant empathy at 8 and 18 weeks. Cadernos de Psicologia e EducaçãoPaidéiα, Vol. 16, No.33, pp.43-50. (Portuguese)

Articles published in Journals’ Special Issues, Conference proceedings, etc. 

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2016). Identification of Autistic Spectrum Disorders before age 2 years: Is it possible? The Scientific Update, released during the 26th Annual Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society- Assam State Branch on Women & Mental Health held at Silchar Medical College Auditorium, Silchar on 23 & 24 September 2016. Published by Academy Publisher in association with BOOKBELL on behalf of Organising Secretary, Department of Psychiatry, Guwahati Medical College Hospital, Guwahati, India. ISBN 978-93-85063-18-3

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2012). Child neglect: What we know and to where we might go. Souvenir – Cum- Scientific Update, ABSCON 2012, The 22nd Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, Assam State Branch, Theme “School mental health: Mind the young minds”. 22-23 September, NEDFi House. Organized by: Department of Psychiatry, Guwahati Medical College Hospital, Guwahati, India.

  • Figueiredo, dos S.M.C., Freitas, de P.M.J., Costa, de O.M.M., & Hatzinikolaou, K. (2004). The role of Health Psychologist on dealing with patients with cancer. Boletim On-Line da SociedadeBrasileira de Psico-Oncologia, Ano I, Edição 6, Nov-Dez.

Book editing and Book Chapters 

  • Hatzinikolaou, Κ.,Ydraiou, Κ., Agathonos E., Nielsen, Μ. &Geroulanou, Κ. (2017). VIMA (Step), a Greek early intervention program promoting attachment between parents and children to prevent abuse and neglect. In M. Celebi (Ed.). Weaving the Cradle Parent Infant Groups in the Perinatal Period. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2016). The nature of empathy: The adventures of a concept (p.341-358). In G. Kougioumutzakis (Ed.). Intersubjectivity in Infancy: Studies in Crete. Irakleio, Crete: University of Crete Press. (Greek)

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2016). Research on empathy in infants of postnatally well and depressed mothers (p.359-378). In G. Kougioumutzakis (Ed.). Intersubjectivity in Infancy: Studies in Crete. Irakleio, Crete: University of Crete Press. (Greek)

  • Diagnostic classification of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood (rev. (2014). (Translation and Scientific Editing in Greek: Κ. Hatzinikolaou & V. Karveli). Athens, Greece: Publications GEMA.

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. (2009). Child neglect: Characteristics, risk factors, and impact on child development. In: G. Nikolaidis & M. Stavrianaki (Eds.). Violence in the family: Evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence. Athens, Greece: ΚΨΜ Editions. (Greek)

In Press

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. & Pappa, V. (in press). "Optimizing identification procedures and tools for minors victims of THB. In C. Albuquerque & C.C. Santos (Eds.), Human Trafficking: A violation of Human Rights. E- book by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.

Guidelines and Manuals for Professionals

  • Hatzinikolaou, K. & Moskoff I. (2019). Initial drafting of the “Uniform Guidelines for the Identification and Referral of Victims of Human Trafficking within the Migrant and Refugee Reception Framework in the OSCE Region”, on behalf of the OSCE.

  • Hatzinikolaou, K., Gyftopoulou, A., Pappa, V. &Nikolaidis, G. (2015). Guidelines for the identification of children victims of trafficking: A user guide for the SESN tool. Athens, Greece: Institute of Child Health. [in greek] ISBN: 978-960-9766-11-1

  • Hatzinikolaou, Κ.,Κarveli, V., Nikolaidis, G. &Skoubourdi, Α. (2015). Guidelines for the INTOVIAN Screening tool: To identify families at risk of, or with already established, infant/toddler abuse and neglect problems. Athens, Greece: Institute of Child Health. [in greek] ISBN: 978 – 960-9766-24-1

  • Gazi, A., Tseberlidou, M., Hatzinikolaou, Κ.,Andreadis, G., Doudaki, V., &Kalouri, O. (2008). Communication, Group dynamics and Public Relations: Theory and Applications. Handout volume of a homonym course created for the National Centre of Public Administration (Scientific Coordinator K. Papanikolaou). National Centre of Public Administration, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Athens, Greece. (Greek)

  • Gazi, A., Tseberlidou, M., Hatzinikolaou, Κ., (2007). Psychology and Group Dynamics. Handout volume of a homonym course created for the National Centre of Public Administration (Scientific Coordinator K. Papanikolaou). National Centre of Public Administration, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Athens, Greece. (Greek)

  • Monteiro, M., Hatzinikolaou, K., Possato, L. Carregari, J., Souza, C.C. & Crisostomo, K. (2005). Child development: Risk factors and the potential of our children – Guidelines for parents, educators and health professionals. Manaus, Brasil: APOENA Design e Produções. (Portuguese)

Technical reports

  • Hatzinikolaou, Κ. (2015). Final Report of the project entitled “Protecting infants and toddlers from domestic violence: Development of a diagnostic protocol for infant and toddler abuse and neglect and its implementation to the public health system” to the European Committee, which was the funding body.

  • Consortium of the project “Caregivers of Children at Risk” (2015). Learning to Care. Participated in writing up the report as Scientific Coordinator for Greece. The project was funded by the Grundtvig program of the European Union. Available: READ MORE...

  • Hatzinikolaou, Κ. (2015). Evaluation report of the activity “VICTOR’s Anti-trafficking Info Desks” of the project «VICTOR – Victims of Child Trafficking – Our responsibility”. Coordinating Institution: Smile of the Child, Greece. Funded by the ISEC Program, European Union.

  • Tsourtou, V., & Hatzinikolaou, K. (2011) (Eds.). Children are flying in the skies with chocolate wings: Action-Research with children working on the streets of Athens. Book published in the context of an action-research project carried out by the University of Crete and the Institute for Psychological Social and Cultural Development «Ψ-polis». The project was funded by Latsis Foundation and the University of Crete.

Korina Hatzinikolaou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

0030 6971896959

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